What if you Were Sent to a BLACK HOLE?

 You must be tired on your home planet from all that chaos. Let's go back into space! So that you won't be lonely, Meet, The Black Hole.

-Black Holes occur when a Star collapses under its own Weight.

-Gravity becomes so strong, That even Light cannot escape it.

-The boundary of a Black Hole called the Event Horizon. And the closer you are to it, The more you get stretched out, Like Spaghetti. 

-By the way, The Event Horizon is affected by Hawking Radiation, So, You'll gradually move from being Aldente To Ashes... But, This is just from OUR point of view.
 -From YOUR perspective, You continue to move normally. Even, AFTER reaching the Event horizon! You split into two, But, This cannot be, According to Quantum Physics. So, We had to Sacrifice one of YOU. 
-What will happen to you here? No one really knows... Space and Time change places inside a Black Hole. Now, You can fly through space, And MORE than that, You can travel through TIME! But, you can NEVER get out.... Because, No one can return to the past.
-You will die soon from Dehydration, Or, from the fact that your Oxygen has ran out. 
-According to theory, there may be 3 forms of black holes: stellar, supermassive, and miniature black holes – looking on their mass. These black holes would have shaped in numerous ways. Stellar black holes kind once a huge star collapses.

black holes detected by NASA:
-The supermassive black hole has a mass equivalent to 17 billion suns and is located inside the galaxy NGC 1277 in the constellation Perseus. It makes up about 14 percent of its host galaxy's mass, compared with the 0.1 percent a normal black hole would represent, scientists said.