what if you eat Uranium?

in the movies eating nuclear material always has one result, getting some super powers. but if we eat it in real life? what would happen to our bodies? and how we know that we aren't eating it already?

- in the average we eat 1.1 microgram of uranium per day, it gets to our tables naturally, it occurs in soil, rocks, and water and can be released into the air with wind or volcanic eruptions, in the air it exists as dust that falls onto land during heavy rainfalls, it seeps into the soil and sticks ti plants roots, making them his way to our tables.
- almost 99 percent of uranium that gets into our bodies makes a quick exit through our feces, a small amount of it ramains inside your bones a few months after you eating it, that amount isn't toxic at all.

- eating 25 miligrams of Uranium will cause your kindnies some serious problems, 50 miligrams wwill cause total failure and maybe death, if you survive those meal you will face long term radiation exposure that causes cancer and changes in your brain chemistry.