the average person spend the 1/3 of his life sleeping, so if yoo stopping sleeping you are going to have a plenty of time to do all things you didn't have time for them, but what is going to happen to your body? when people are going to notice that you don't sleep? how long you can survive?

-while you sleep your body releases hormones and fixes issues , replacing your old dead cells with new one that function properly, if you worked out during day you need a good amount of sleep to grow muscles and burn fat.
- after the 24 hours mark all your reactions would slow down, your brain would start forgetting what you were doing, apparently you will be drunk.
- first 24 hours you are going to feel cool because of sleeplessness stimulates the brain to release dopamine that makes you feel happy and full
of energy.

- 2 days without sleep, your body will start shutting down, it will stop metabolizing glucose properly leaving you without energy, you stat looking pale, eyes red, wrinkles more noticeable.
don't try this at home, grab a pillow and get the good amount of sleep you could.
- day 3, fun begins, hallucinations, your brain won't wait for sleep anymore, it will start bringing your dreams and nightmare to your life, and you will start breaking your own protein so say goodbye to your muscles.

- after 2 weeks your immune systeme would be so weak even a could kill you.

- 3 weeks eventually you would die of a heat attack.